nes faq

Phantom Fighter


Phantom Fighter
Complete FAQ/Walkthrough

September 05, 2003
Version 2.00

author: Aaron Madrinan (snoocete)
subject: "RE: Phantom Fighter FAQ/Walkthrough"




The gaming world is changing very rapidly. Games are released on
breakneck speed that we need more than a lifetime to play even just
the good ones. The result? The other not-so-famous games are
forgotten and put aside by future gamers. In other words, they
become underrated. Such is what happened to a game called
Phantom Fighter.

I've played it since I was a kid. Though not as extremely fun as
games like Kirby or Pokemon, it very much dwells on the concept in
which Contra flourished: you can never let the game beat you.
Supposedly, it would be as famous as that. But, heck there wasn't
even a walkthrough on GameFAQs, only some codes that lets you skip
to the last town and a very bad review. Sigh.

You want my opinion? Here is what I can say: don't let the big names
fool you. A lot of gems are hidden in the dump of really bad games,
I admit, but they only need a little spotlight to shine. Here is my
share of that spotlight =).



You are free to save this guide onto your hard drive and/or print for
your personal viewing pleasure. You may distibute it to other people
as long as you don't claim it as yours, okay? Since this game doesn't
have that much coverage, you may post this at your site in its full,
unedited version even without my permission as long as its credits
point to me. Deal!


## ---> CONTENTS

1. Updates


2. FAQ


3. Walkthrough


4. Credits


This is FAQ #2, hope I got a bit better.


## ---> UPDATES

-2.00- -21Kb-
Look above (^\_^). It's a whole number change!
A kind soul mailed to me the names of the Kyonshies. Yay!
Added peace and order (where there was chaos).
Formatting change.
E-mail change.
Lastly, look at the disclaimer.

-1.00- -19Kb-
This FAQ is complete, however the Japanese names of the Kyonshies are
missing. Not that anybody would care, but it still important. If you
have an instruction manual (because I kinda lost it), kindly e-mail
me and let me know, ok?


## ---> FAQ

--Who are you?
Just a humble freelance (a bit newbie-ish, but wants to learn a lot)
FAQ writer who writes for his favorite games whenever he has the time.

--What are these "Kyonshi" that I'm fighting?
If you have ever watched the anime series "Shaman King", or knew
a bit about Chinese folkore, you have the idea. These are what we
call the undead; they are supposed to be immobile, rotting bodies.
They still are, but they are being controlled by some mysterious
power. You know about rigor mortis? It also applies to these
phantoms. That explains why they could only move their feet and
knees to hop and turn around, and their elbows to puncture your face
with their dirty, sharp nails.

--How do I fight these enemies?
You have to move around. A lot. Whenever you stay on one spot, the
Kyonshi will follow you with small hops, then when it gets in range,
it suddenly does a big dive toward you. Unless you hit the Kyonshi
in a critical point or you kill it in transit, you cannot stop that
from homing to you. So you got to move. That's your ace against these
creatures. They have lockjaw and every known bone and muscle disease,
while you could just move out of their way. For example, the moment
they land on the ground, give them a kick or two on their sleeves
then they will be knocked down. When they wake up and hops around
again, repeat. Soon they will burst in flames, and the door that
lets you continue through the building opens.

--What does that man who follows me around do?
That's your assistant. Whenever you are inside a building, if you
return to the exit, you talk to him. He asks if you want to have
an item, stay at the building, or just leave the place.

--And those items are...?
There are a total of four (4) items in the game. You can find them
from the households you rescue from kyonshies. They replace the use
of the punch attack, but it's worth it.

1. Tonten - the kyonshi you show this with is knocked back to the
   ground because a) there is holy white light coming from it, or
   b) he saw his face, squirming with maggots (hey, thanks mate for the
   mirror, 'bout time I fix my hair... what the he... _faints_). DON'T
   use this when you're about to get hit; it also acts as your armor,
   and because it's a mirror and was hit by diamond hard claws, you know
   what happens.

2. Sacred Sword - even a swordless Link (of Legend of Zelda) would
   not use this nicely-named weapon (he might even throw it back at you
   so don't even try). It does little damage, and it also gets broken
   easily as if it is made by glass. The only edge it has is that it
   has a rather long range for a physical attack, you could corner a
   kyonshi with it, but you would like to beat them up yourself,
   wouldn't you?

3. Talisman - freezes the enemy in place until it's effect is gone or
   they got hit. You have to make contact with the kyonshi you want to
   victimize it with, so there is a chance you get hit and the item
   breaks. Useful on the tall kyonshies, you could sneak under them,
   paste the talisman on their belly, then kick them in the butt.

4. Bell - If you use this in the middle of a heated battle, it does
   nothing except probably makes a little chime that is pleasant to hear
   for you but instead boils the blood of the kyonshi, making him more
   aggressive. Actually, use it to control the kyonshi kid.

--What are the scrolls for?
Whenever you cleanse a building from kyonshies, you get a varying
amount of scrolls. You use them at the Training Hall to learn new

--The guard won't let me in because I can't answer his questions...
got a list there that could help me? Please?

Of course I do. I intend to make this the complete-est FAQ you'll
ever see (for PF, of course). Here they are (if you noticed, the
stupid comments are gone. just learned not to learn from the likes
of ArchNacho and Tortilla Godzilla):

Q - Question
A - Answer

Q: Why do Kyonshies come out only at night?
A: Hate the sun.

Q: What country do Samurais come from?
A: Japan

Q: What is another word for one?
A: Any answer will do.

Q: Who built the Great Wall of China?
A: Any answer will do.

Q: What is the food Kyonshies hate?
A: Ice Cream

Q: Who created Ultima?
A: Lord British
SC: Who is he?

Q: What is Kyonshi's most powerful weapon?
A: Sharp claws

Q: What is the skill when you hold an opponent's arms from the back
and throw him backward?
A: Dragon Suplex

Q: What kind of place do Kyonshies usually live in?
A: Any answer will do.

Q: What is a horrible skill when you head-banged against an
opponent's head?
A: Any answer will do.

Q: Name an FCI video game.
A: Any answer will do.

Q: What is the famous Chinese newspaper?
A: Wall poster

Q: How many stars are there in the American flag?
A: 50

Q: What is the best thing used to capture Kyonshies?
A: Urn

Q: What is a Chinese martial art usually called?
A: Kung fu

Q: What is the best method to make sure Kyonshies never revive again?
A: Fry in oil

Q: What is the teaching taught by Confucius called?
A: Confucianism

Q: What's the name of George Bush's dog?
A: Millie

Q: Who is the emperor called the Last Emperor?
A: Fugi

--Can I kill the guard?
If you are not a super nerd, who knows NES rom-editing to change the
layer which the guard resides to your characters layer and set its
attributes to "hittable", has an HP count, and many other things,
definitely no. I know it's a big disappointment.

--What are these new abilities you will learn from the Training Hall?
New techniques in martial arts. When you started the game, you have
a weak punch and a weak kick. Learn these and you will become stronger
and better to fight kyonshies.

Town 1 (2scr)
=2 Thrust - punch and you will hit the enemy twice
=2 Kick - same with 2 Thrust but you kick instead
=High Jump - self-explanatory
=Wolf Move - speed up

Town 2 (6scr)
=3 Thrust - three fists-of-fury in one swift delivery
=Turn Kick - most versatile move in the game
=Wind Jump - jump and hold left/right to do a spin jump
=Tiger Move - more speed up
=Mirage Move - combine with Tiger Mv. for better effect

Town 3 (18scr)
=Mirage Walk - move while crouching
=Dragon Move - whoosh! last speed upgrade

Town 4 (50scr)
=Wind Kick - jump then kick furiously in mid-air to form a spin kick
=Mirage Thrust - punch while crouching

Town 5
=<no training hall>

Town 6 (80scr)
=Jump Kick - hold left/right then kick to see this fantastic move

Town 7 (90scr)
=4 Thrust - most powerful move in the game

Town 8
=<no training hall>

--What are the names of these Kyonshies?
What I have here are unofficial names which I made up by their looks,
color, and strength:

Pink - weak household form of kyonshi.
Green - stronger and faster than the pink
Dwarf - a real pain, their size and speed make them hard to hit.
Tall - vulnerable to punch attacks, mirage thrust
Fat - looks tough but slow, easy target
Short-armed - has a high resistance to hits, has high attack power

Their original Japanese names (courtesy of
Pink Kyonshi: Sosekushi
Green Kyonshi: Zanshi
Fat Kyonshi: Kimenshi
Dwarf Kyonshi: WeeKyonshi (literally)
Tall Kyonshi: Ryukyoshi
Graveyard Ghost: Shanshi

--Know any GameGenie codes?
Nope. Go to the Codes and Secrets page of this game and you might
find something to help, you cheater!



In case you don't have a manual, here is the juicy bit of the story:
You are Kenchi, China's savior from the Kyonshi, the eastern counter-
part of the vampire. Someone had let them loose on seven towns, with
the eighth one being totally controlled by that being. Of course,
you as the hero walks in the scene and puts a stop to the onslaught.
However, it won't be easy: the Kyonshi are undead, has little sense
of pain and their conscience all gone. Which makes them more fun to
battle, isn't it?

|Town 1 - A taste of Kyonshi power|

Enter the temple. This holy building looks always the same in every
town you come to; it also functions the same thing; as a rest point
for your character. That's why you should also invade this first.
Oh, the controls:

left/right: moves you in the direction you press.
up: jump (not so high right now, so don't use it much)
down: crouch/duck
B button: punch
A button: kick
Select: when outside, changes message display speed
Start: pauses the game

Kill the introductory kyonshi inside, then the temple could now be
used as an inn. The ASCII art below shows the lay-out of the town:


H-Training Hall
I-Item inside
S-Scroll inside
O-Orb inside
B-Boss inside

Enter houses and fight kyonshies to have scrolls and some items.
Pink kyonshies are weaker than green ones, but later in the game,
most of the time you will fight green ones so you have to practice on
them, too. Heal at the temple if you are hurt. Every time you get
enough scrolls, head to the Training Hall and learn a new ability, in
the order 2 Kick, Wolf Move, 2 Thrust, then High Jump. Afterwards,
enter the Orb buildings, defeat the more difficult kyonshies there
and get the Orb they leave. After you have three orbs, enter the boss
cave and fight...

AFTERIMAGE KYONSHI (Japanese name: Genyoshi) Difficulty: */* --I just made up the name, sorry. This boss is small but jumps ultra high. Also it takes up many hits to bring down so don't you dare stand in its path to kick/punch. You could a) wait until it reaches the high point in its jump, then as it falls down, attack it, or b) my favorite way. Use the talisman to freeze it then kick it from behind. Rinse and repeat.

Your reward? Being congratulated by your assistant and access to the
next town =). Don't forget to copy the password.

|Town 2 - The baby Kyonshi|

I H S S O O T I O \* I B

The \* contains Conshi, the baby Kyonshi. You can have him in your
party by letting your assistant be snatched by the light in the
graveyard, defeating her (she's very strong, but not too hard), then
afterwards you will get the bell. You may want to try it to know how
it feels to be a Kyonshi; otherwise do the same modus operandi in
Town 1 (learn the Turn Kick as soon as you can), and at the end is
another cave...

KNIFE KYONSHI (Japanese name: Raunshi) Difficulty: /*** --As soon as you enter, stop for the boss is throwing knives at you. After enough knives, he pauses, that's your signal to get near and whack him. If he hits you with his knife, it does a lot of damage so be careful. You may either use the Tonten to knock him out fast when he is about to use the knives, or the Talisman to freeze him then hit him from behind so he has to turn around to hit you with knives.

And if you're wondering whether you can beat this boss using Conshi,
well, YOU CAN. It's quite difficult however, and I'm not 100% sure if
there are rewards somewhere, but it's quite fun watching him knock
out that big guy =).

|Town 3 - Woo! A bit of difficulty!|


Save the temple, get some scrolls, learn at the training hall, and
then get the three orbs. Simple as that.

LIGHTNING KYONSHI Difficulty: */*** --From here, the manual doesn't say the Japanese names, so you have to deal with the translation above. Sorry. --No, he doesn't throw balls of lightning at you. It's that the back- ground flashes every now and then. The boss itself is like any other tall Kyonshi, except he's much faster than the others, much stronger, and much more HP.

|Town 4 - Hey! Be careful! WATCH OUT!!|


Don't bother learning the Wind Kick; it's pretty much useless. The
other move, Mirage Thrust, is a must-have. You can easily kill tall
bosses without even getting stratched. I know it's cheap, but an army
of kyonshies vs. one phantom fighter isn't fair, too.

TACKLING KYONSHI Difficulty: */* --This is the part where I always got stuck when I was a kid. This boss attacks you at a speed in which you could rarely, if ever, react in time. If you don't hit him with anything in your arsenal, he WILL tackle you. Talisman does not work on him. The Tonten and the Sacred Sword does work on preventing him to attack, but does little to no damage. Try to put him into a corner then attack him whenever he goes floats back up so the chances of him tackling you will be minimized.

|Town 5 - Who shakes in terror? You, or them?|

I \* S I S I T I O O O B

As you notice, there is no training hall. That means it is at the
other town, so collect scrolls till you reach the maximum of 99.

EARTHQUAKE KYONSHI Difficulty: **/*** --Why the "earthquake"? Because when it lands on the ground, it actually shakes it so much that Kenchi falls over. Also, when you're hit by the claws, you are sent to the other side of the room. The good thing? You could use the Mirage Thrust to post a talisman on him, or just plain punch his knees till his life meter runs out.

|Town 6 - THIS, has gotta be, the weirdest flying kick ever...|


The moment you enter, enroll at the training hall and avail of the
powerful Jump Kick. It's a shame you would learn it this late in the
game. You may choose to save the temple, or if you feel really
almighty, just leave it there and snatch the orbs one by one until
you can enter the boss lair...

AXE KYONSHI Difficulty: **/*** --He does not throw axes at you; it's his melee weapon. He just holds it out in front of him, swinging it once his near enough. Don't punch him; use your feet both for kicking and dancing around him.

|Town 7 - What?! I thought I could use magic in this game...|


No items. Save the last temple, collect scrolls this one last time,
then learn 4 Thrust at the last training hall. After three orbs,
fight the last boss...

FIREBALL KYONSHI Difficulty: */*** --Obviously, he throws fireballs. Very easy to dodge; just jump high then drop behind him. If you learned every skill, you could do it the easy way (crouch then punch) or the exciting way (stand in front of him and flaunt your amazing abilities). Just don't get burned by fireballs, 'cause it HURTS.

|Town 8 - The stupid final boss|


The --- represents a bridge, and FB is the FINAL BOSS. Are you ready?
There are no temples in here, so once you enter a building, you have
to make it till the end. There's no turning back. I just hope you
really mastered those moves...

OBO Difficulty: */*** --First time I said she was easy, I forgot you have to fight an army of assorted Kyonshies to get to her :). --You're fighting, for the second time (the first was a ghost, remember?), a non-kyonshi. Besides teleportation and magic fireballs, she does nothing but stand there, waiting for you to hit her. Unless you are cursed with kyonshi-slow reflexes, she is very disappointing. Sure wish she was a lot more powerful.

You may watch the credits roll, but you won't get a new game.
Now it's all over. Kyonshies will never bug you again =).


## ---> CREDITS

My father, for buying me a cartidge a looong time ago (back in 1989);

FCI, for making the game;

Nintendo, for a really good console that'll last for ages;

CJayC, for hosting the guide on his site, GameFAQs;, for the Kyonshi names;

and you, for playing the game.


Contributor Recognition:



Phantom Fighter FAQ

|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Copyright 2003 Aaron Madrinan<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|


Phantom Fighter FAQ
by The Deacon


Before we start, even though they are probably out of business, the
game "Phantom Fighter" for the NES is trademark copyright etc. FCI and
whoever else made it. Feel free to toss this FAQ to the winds, just
don't be a lamer and put your name on it; if you have anything to add,
e-mail me and I'll insert your info (as well as credit you with the

## Contents

I.Why is this in FAQ format?

I. Why is this in FAQ format?

    I know the term "FAQ" gets bandied about a lot, but since I'm

something of a wordsmith I feel that we should nail down exactly
what a "FAQ" is. You are reading a "FAQ", a compilation of
"Frequently Asked Questions". Christ, if you have net access you
should know by now what a FAQ is. Anyhow, it's also a FAQ because
walkthroughs are really lame. The way I see it, any kind of aid on
a game signals one's inability to rise to the challenge, however
in the greater scope things I figure we can call getting level
passwords the "little white cheat", reading a FAQ a medium or
venial cheat, and working the keyboard/mouse with one hand while
holding the walkthrough in the other and looking at the screen only
to perform the walkthrough's dictated actions is a "mortal" cheat.
And besides, walkthroughs are really only the kind of thing I could
see a reasonable person using in a game with some kind of plot to it.
I know a fellow who isn't very good at video games at all, and with
as little patience as he has, when he gets a game he gets the walkthrough
and goes through the game just to see the plot. However, Phantom Fighter
(how's bout we shorten that to "PF") has _no_ plot. Really. You'll see.

II. What's the plot?

        I just told you.  There isn't one. (see above).  However, if you

want a basic rundown of the pseudo-plot, well then here you are:

        You are Kenchi, martial artist and aspiring Phantom Fighter.  With

your trusty sidekick you travel from town to town seeking fortune and fame
as a wandering hero, driving out evil hopping vampires and rescuing innocent
townspeople using only your wits, a few sacred items, and your superior

    That's about the size of it.

III. What's the point of the game?

        Well, as with all games, it's to have fun...:).  Besides that, there

doesn't really seem to be much of a point...if you were to say that the
"point" of the game is to be defined as what is required to beat a game,
then I suppose there is a point. That definition makes the point of this
game thus:

        You go from town to town (there are 8 in all), driving out vampires

with your fists (and feet) of fury. Along the way, you pick up sacred items
and ancient scrolls (more on them later) and improve your kung-fu until the
final confrontation with the evil witch Obe. ("obay")

IV. Anything I should know before I start the game?

        Since I didn't have the manual I'll take the time to explain the

basic game mechanics for you.

    A: Kick. (or, if you prefer, "Boot to the Head")
    B: Punch.
    Start: Pause the game.
    Select: Does nothing as far as I know.

V. What's the basic pattern of the game?

        Basically, you'll come to a town with your sidekick in tow.  The

mayor (I suppose) comes out and kowtows to you, weeping with gladness; for
they called the thunder and now they got it.
When you enter town, you'll be in a far-off side-scroll view with
Kenchi and his sidekick walking around near buildings. When in front of a
door, push A or B to see a brief message telling you what's going on
inside. (I'll explain them later.) To enter a house, stop in front of the
door and press Up.
When you enter the house, your energy will be displayed on the left
side of the screen, and any enemies in the room will have theirs displayed
on the right. As you will soon see, a purple bar means you have full
health, and as you take hits the little boxes turn pink until you get wiped
out (and your sidekick speaks ill of the dead). In this screen, pressing up
makes you jump, down makes you crouch. You cannot attack while crouching.
(A BIG PISSER IMHO) Obviously, when you see a vampire come hopping up at
you, kick and punch it until it falls over and bursts into flame, then
continue to the right.
Events vary, but after getting to the end of the house you will be
presented with either scrolls or a sacred item, sometimes information (other
times just blather).
Some houses contain lots of enemies, make your way to the end,
defeat a moderately tough enemy, and collect a jewel that instantly refills
your health. You'll see it sit one of the empty stands in the upper right
corner of the screen. Collect three of these things and you will have the
magical power necessary to break a sealed portal.
When you have three gems, you can enter the building that is always
all the way at the far right end of town. Inside is a town boss, the source
of the vampire scourge (for this area, anyhow). Teach him a lesson ("Don't
think. Feeeeeeelll!") and you'll enjoy being toadied to by your sidekick.
Then the happy mayor will give you a password and you're on your way to the
next town.

VI. What the hell ARE these things I'm fighting?

        Those, gamer, are hopping vampires -- China's version of the

ubiquitous super- natural parasitic entity that has frightened many a
superstitious person for hundreds of years. I believe the game's term for
them -- "Kyonshi" -- is Mandarin Chinese for "hopping vampire". However, it
could be a bastardized Chinese put into a game for mainly Japanese players.
I think in Cantonese the term is "Jiangshi". I'll refer to them throughout
this document as "Kyonshi", simply because that's what the game calls them.

        What makes these guys different from their Romanian "cousins"?

Well, their origins are slightly different. Kyonshi are "undead", as in
those who have died, but somehow have had their souls trapped in their body
instead of escaping to the Nine Heavens (or Hells) after death. This could
be for any number of reasons; bad chi flow through the house, suicide, lots
of angst, etc. Anyhow, because they have died, their bodies aren't alive,
they're just "undead". This means that they're not as limber as they once
were, hence the hopping; it's the only way they can get around.

        What motivates them?  Not much.  Unlike the Western vampire, a

Kyonshi has little or no conscious thought. Its only thought is to attack
living things and eat their bodies. Since they don't consume their victims
whole their victims become vampires as well. Kyonshi don't speak, don't
respond intelligently to problems. This is a noticable advantage that the
phantom fighter has over his unnatural opponents. A nimble phantom fighter
should dance about to keep his assailant's long fingernails (so sharp
they're almost claws) at bay.

        For those interested in Kyonshi I'll provide a bibliography at the

end of this FAQ -- they're pretty cool. It also helps to know something
about them for later (see below).

VII. Do the towns follow a basic pattern?

        Yes.  For the most part they are a bunch of houses, a temple, a

"boss shack", and a martial arts studio.

        You can always recognize the temple and the studio, they're the same

in every town. The temple is a large building with pillars in the front and
lots of pillars and Buddha statues inside. The studio is a long, one-level
wooden building.

        There will be three places where you can get gems as well, and the

rest of the little shacks round out the town with places to kill Kyonshi and
get ancient scrolls.

        This seems as good a time as any to explain what the little messages

you get when you press A or B in front of a house mean.

    "Kyonshies are here": Ahem.
    "Kyonshies are not here":Ahem. Ahem.

        Okay, besides the obvious, these mean there is just a basic bunch of

Kyonshies in the house (or the house is empty). Fight through all of these
and you'll get some ancient scrolls. Empty houses seem to have no point;
you walk all the way to the end and some cowering peasant thanks you or says
something worthy of the term "non sequitir."

    "This is a temple.": What the Christ. It's a temple.

        "There's danger in the air": This means that inside is either a

sacred item or one of the three gems you need to bust them ghosts.
"What, nothing's happening?":or something like that. Basically one
of those houses with goodies or gems in them that you've cleared out already.
"Open the sealenter": Obviously an error in the programming, this
should read something like "Open the seal to enter". This is the "boss
shack" that you need the gems to get inside.
"Enter with courage":When you have the gems, you can open the seal
to the "boss shack" and instruct the Kyonshi on the finer points of kung
fu. ("I hope you were paying attention.")

VIII. From the looks of things, I'm not a very good phantom fighter. I just
got my butt kicked. Any way to improve on this sad situation?

        Fortunately, yes. At the beginning it may seem like you'll have a

lame kick and punch for the entire game, but fear not. You can improve to
such powerful kung-fu that you'll easily steamroll enemies.

        So, how do you go about improving your skills?  Easy.  First, you

have to do a little struggling; you need to earn ancient scrolls. Just pick
a small house and go in. When you get some scrolls go to the studio.

        When you enter, a fat guard accosts you, and asks you if you

understand that you won't get kung-fu lessons for free (This is basically
to spare you from the annoying un-skippable dialog that follows if you don't
want to enter after all). When you say that you understand, he asks you a
question, to test your knowledge.

    A. What the hell is this? Copy protection?

                I have no idea why this in the game.  I can only guess that

at the time this was made, it made sense, or really was to protect from
people pirating the game. I don't have the manual, so I don't know.

        Don't sweat it too much, the questions are pretty easy, often it's

obvious what the correct answer is, and if you fail you can always try again.

    B. Fuck that.  Just give me the questions and answers.

                Ok, I guess quiz games aren't your thing.  Here are some of

the questions that the fat guy asks, and their answers: (These are from
memory, more to come)

"Name an FCI video game." I think all of these are FCI games,
pick "WCW" just to be sure.

"Why do Kyonshies only come
out at night?" They hate the sun, obviously.

"How do you capture a Kyonshie?" Although you never see it in the game,
you use an Urn.

"What is a Kyonshies least
favorite food?" I don't know where this hell this came
from, by process of elimination it's
ice cream.

        When you answer correctly the fat guy lets you pass and you can

enter the Master's chambers, where they gather for the feast. And though
they stab it with their steely knives, they just can't kill the beast.
Sorry. If you got that reference you'll know the special sort of anguish I
feel now at selling my copy of that album.

        Anyhow, the master will train you in kung fu in exchange for ancient

scrolls. Why, I don't know, but my motto is do what works. So, cough up
scrolls and train in the martial arts. The different moves you can select
are listed with their scroll cost to the left of them.

X. What are the different kung-fu moves, how much do they cost, and what do they do?

    Good question, grasshopper.  There are three basic move categories:

        "moves" ("mv"):your movement
        "thrust"      :punching moves
        "kick"    :ahem, kicking moves.

    Here's a breakdown by category:

            Wolf Move ("wolf mv.")
            Cost: 2 scrolls
            What it does: Makes you move faster. Useful.

            Tiger Move ("tiger mv.")
            Cost: 6 scrolls
            What it does: see above.

            Mirage Move ("mirage mv.")
            Cost: 6 scrolls
            What it does: see above.

            Dragon Move ("dragon mv.")
            Cost: 18 scrolls
            What it does: see above.

            Mirage Walk ("mirage wk.")
            Cost: x scrolls
            What it does: Allows you to walk while crouching.

            Mirage Thrust ("mirage th.")
            Cost: 50 scrolls
                        What it does: Allows you to punch while crouching.
                                      A terrific move.

            High Jump
            Cost: x scrolls
                        What it does: you jump higher.  Absolutely necessary
                                      for airborne vampires.

            Windmill Jump ("wind jump")
            Cost: x scrolls
                        What it does: you jump still higher, and you flip in
                                      the air as you do.  Allows you full
                                      range with airborne enemies and looks
                                      really cool.


            2 Thrust
            Cost: 2 scrolls
                        What it does: Gives you two lightning-fast
                                      punches instead of one.

            3 Thrust
            Cost: x scrolls
                        What it does: Basically same as above, except
                                      now it's a 1-2-3 punch.

            4 Thrust
            Cost: 90 scrolls
                        What it does: Now, you punch both high and low, twice.
                                      The most powerful move in the game,
                                      believe it or not.


            2 Kick
            Cost: 6 scrolls
            What it does: the 1-2 kick. One for both ears. :)

            Side kick
            Cost: 18 scrolls
                        What it does: you lean to the side and use your hips
                                      to put a little torque action into your
                                      kick.  Good damage, another move you'll
                                      use right up to the end.

            Windmill Kick ("wind kick")
            Cost: 50 scrolls
                        What it does: When you jump straight up in the air and
                                      kick, you'll spin around in a flurry of
                                      feet.  Really only useful for airborne
                                      enemies, and doesn't always come off

            Jump Kick
            Cost: 80 scrolls
                        What it does: Run at your enemy and kick and you'll
                                      leap at them with both feet forward.
                                      ("Mind your Manners!!!")  Great as
                                      an opening move, as well as for enemies
                                      who like to jump a lot.

XI. What are some good fighting tactics?

                Stick and move.  If you stand in one spot you'll get

creamed, as more often than not enemies will soak one or two kicks and swipe
you with them claws. This is most important at the beginning of the game,
when you can't do anything but punch and kick, and move around a little bit.

                The main method of attack Kyonshies use is to take little

hops at you, then when they get close enough to a big Kyonshie leap into
your face. What you want to try to do is to place yourself at a point where
the Kyonshie will be in midleap when it comes into kick range. Then, when
it leaps, kick it, and it'll fall over. It won't die, but knocking it down
gives you breathing room.

                You'll take a lot of hits from Kyonshies just steadily

leaping towards you. That's their other fighting tactic...they just keep
coming, soaking up the kicks and punches until they can cut you. If you can
kick them enough times, however, they'll fall over. Different kyonshies
take more or less kicks/punches in a row to be knocked down, size is one

                Later, when you learn more kung fu, it will be easier to

defeat enemies, although the enemies will get progressively harder as you go
from town to town. One good move that will help you out a lot is the "Wind
Jump". This allows you to leap high into the air (doing a cool kung-fu
flip) above the reach of the dreaded hoppping demons. When enemies come at
you, kick them once or twice, and if they don't fall down hop over them just
before they get to you. A little practice helps, but soon you will be able
to drop down right on the other side of them and kick them in the back of
the head while they are turning around.

                Kyonshies are very stupid.  It helps a lot to remember this,

as the next trick shows. See, Kyonshies (as you will know if you read the
above section on them) are in the throes of rigor mortis, their bodies in an
arrested state of decay. So they can only see straight forward, right? So
if you crouch down, they will turn back and forth, their tiny minds trying
to figure out how you pulled your disappearing act. This will not be very
useful in the beginning, as you can't walk while crouching. DON'T try this
just before a Kyonshie gets to you -- their turning back and forth motion
will still be able to hit you, as you are not completely under their arm
level (unless you are fighting a really tall kyonshie, see below). This
move becomes more useful when you learn the Mirage Walk, as you'll be able
to shuffle about under their vision, just don't attempt to get too close to
them as they can often still hit you. Later, when you learn Mirage Thrust,
this becomes a winning tactic, allowing you to stand under tall enemies and
bosses and punch them in their unfeeling vampire gonads mercilessly.
(WARNING: This is kind of a cheapo move, as you really can kill tall kyonshi
bosses with this tactic. It certainly doesn't _look_ very exciting.)

XII. Alright. I'm in town. What do I do first?

        Wander through town until you find the temple, then try to fight

your way through it, shouldn't be to difficult. In the first town, it's one
of the first buildings, later on it will be farther into town, or sometimes
nonexistent. Anyhow, it's important to start here, so that you can fill up
your health, you'll need to often and there's only one other way to do it in
the game, and that involves more fighting.

        Once you've done that, go to the kung-fu studio and see how many

scrolls you'll need to learn the various kung-fu moves. The dialog trees
can be annoying, but get used to them because they are all through the
game. :P Anyhow, leave the studio with the moves you want to learn in mind,
and find a house with Kyonshies in it. Then enter and work your way to get
the scrolls. Surprisingly (or perhaps not, depending on how well versed you
are in "game logic"), you can enter the same house again and again,
continuously obtaining scrolls. You can get up to 99, but don't bother
trying that here unless you are sick in bed with chicken pox or something --
you'll have better oppportunities later on when you recieve lots more
scrolls for rescuing townspeople. Learn all the moves you can, when the
master tells you you've tapped him out, you can move on.

    A. Just to make it easier on myself, what moves should I learn first?

Since your kung-fu is puny, learn attack moves first. Specifically, get 2
Kick and 2 Thrust. Throughout the game, when you have an opportunity to
learn an attack move, learn it, and learn the other moves later. While the
"Move" moves may seem pointless, they are actually very useful, since being
able to move quickly will allow you to dance in an out of a kyonshie's range
without getting creamed every time you try to hit them. It's also highly
important to learn the jump moves, since they allow you to attack airborne
enemies, of which there are 3 in the game, all of them important. While I
suppose you could beat the game without all of the moves, I wouldn't
recommend it, simply because it wouldn't be as fun, as learning new moves is
one of the high points of the game.

        After you've learned all the moves you care to, head for the houses

with the gems in them, collect the gems, and head for the boss shack. Don't
forget to write down your password!

XIII. Hey, these Kyonshies aren't all alike!

        Quite right.  There are several different types of Kyonshies.

Basically, there are four basic types of Kyonshi, differentiated by body
type: the little one, the medium one, the tall one, and the big fat one.
Within these different morphical categories there's lots of room for
variation in the different colors they wear. You'll no doubt become quite
familiar with the types as you play the game, and certain ones will become
infamous. ("ARgh! Not more green ones!")

XIV. Okay, so there's different types. What are they like?

    Without further ado:

little: This little bastard is fast and hard to hit. He'll be a toughie
when you're duking it out in the first town and don't have awesome kung-fu.
His basic weakness is that he can't jump that far, and he's really short,
making him easy to hop over. Fortunately he's still just tall enough to
kick in the face.

medium: Your basic vanilla Kyonshi. Some types jump a lot, some are fast,

tall: The tall guy moves ponderously slow, and thanks to his height is hard
to jump over. He also jumps very high while attacking as well. Naturally
enough this is a big mistake on his part; he jumps so high that you can
crouch and let him go over you, then "boot to the head" while he's turning
around. Later on when you learn the Mirage Thrust the tall guy will be at
your mercy as your firsts pound mercilessly into his undead loins, and his
turning back and forth schtick won't be able to nail you.

fat: This guy is tougher than he looks. He's very strong, such that even
though he moves slowly, he packs a real wallop. Also, he doesn't jump that
high, but is still tall enough that jumping over him is a bit of a sticky
wicket. Your big advantage over him is speed. While he can soak up hits and
really wummox you when he gets a hit in, if you play it right you can kick
once or twice then get the hell out of the way when the Kyonshi express
comes through.

XV. I won some kind of item, what does it do?

        Aha, one of the coveted mystical items that you can use in the

game. Don't confuse these with scrolls -- ancient scrolls sound cool but
don't do jack except buy you kung-fu. However, the items are quite nice.

        First, here's how to use an item once you've got it.  Whenever you

obtain an item, you will see it appear at the top of the screen, in a long
box to the left of the stands that hold the three gems you'll need to get
out of town. However, make no mistake, you are NOT carrying that item.
Your faithful sidekick (who has no name that I could tell) is carrying
them. Thus, whenever you enter a building, and you want to use an item,
turn back as if to leave. Your boy will pop his head in and ask if you want
to split, use an item, or ignore him and get back to butt-kicking. Well,
ask for an item, and he'll give you a list: strangely enough, he lists all
the items you can get, even if you don't have them yet. Pick one, and it
will be outlined by a red square at the top of the screen. This means you
are now carrying the item, and will use it instead of punching when you push

    Now, here's all the items, and what they do.

    Talisman: Freezes enemies in their tracks sometimes.
    Tonten: Knocks baddies onto their cans with a flash of light.
    Sword:  Knocks guys down, you can also slice 'em with it.
    Bell:   Controls the demon-boy.

        A note of warning: your items will also take hits for you if you get

hit. However, this will also break the item, making it useless. Hey, it's
an antique. Keep this in mind when fighting with an item. It's a good idea
to grab them, they're nice for keeping enemies at bay, and the Tonten is
pretty damn invaluable for beating the game.

XVI. I bought one of those Game Genies. Any codes for this game?

CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 VTVKEGSA + KAVKOGNA Start with Sword
2 VTVKEGSA + SAVKOGNA Start with Bell
3 VTVKEGSA + UAVKOGNA Start with Tonten
4 VTVKEGSA + XAVKOGNA Start with Talisman
5 LASKNGAA + VAVKOGNA Start with 3 Scrolls
6 TASKNGAA + VAVKOGNA Start with 6 Scrolls
7 SXSZLUSE Infinite energy
8 OVSZPLSV + PESZZLAA Take less damage when attacked

(author's note: This is taken verbatim from Galoob's master list of all Game
Genie codes for NES games that they ever published. There may, of course,
be some home- grown codes floating about. So all due credit goes to Galoob
for the above blurb.)

XVII. This isn't the most complete FAQ I've ever read, you know...

        Sorry.  This is mostly from memory.  If I get e-mails requesting

updates I'll saunter back into the game with my rightfully earned cheat
codes and research it fully for those who desire it. And besides, if you
think this FAQ is incomplete, check out some of the other (admittedly)
sparse fare at TSR's NES FAQ page.

For right now I'll call an end to this FAQ, just because I figure this is
enough to be written about any NES game that wasn't made by Square. :) I'll
send my regards first and foremost to TSR, who's NES page is truly one of
the best place for NES info on the 'net, not to mention skilled use of
graphics and delightful content like the NES oddity page. Also, here's to
the place that posted the ROM I used for this FAQ, Big Daddy's International
House of ROMs, THE place to get ROMs on the 'net. In my experience, if he
doesn't have it here, it doesn't exist yet (at least for NES, anyhow). I'll
also send out greets to John Turk, who's NES Underground Library is probably
the most ambitious of all the NES pages I've seen. And finally I'll send
shots out to all the other NES pages, all those who've stayed cool despite
NESticle's appearance, and to all the fellows on IRC channels like
#emuroms, #emulator, and #emu who are out there circulating coolness in less
than 200k. :) Also a shot out to my friends on #1980Warez, who have nothing
to do with NES ROMs, but are cool anyway.

Jibes go to all those who feel the need to charge excessive amounts of money
for their emulators. Say what you will about effort and reward, guys, but
in the end you're creating something used to do something that's, shall we
say, a trifle off-color in the eyes of the law. Jibes also go to those who
run IRC channels so huge that no chatting goes on in them, and channels that
have nothing but DCC bots in them. Thanks for helping turn IRC into a
wasteland, guys.

So much have I written for gamers, now give me a drink!

The Deacon
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Training Hall Quiz Questions and Answers

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 * * * * * * Training Hall Quiz Questions and Answers * * * * * *

A guide by PinKirby (

----Version 1.0----

 June 9th, 2004
   -Began this guide


1. Introduction
2. The Training Hall
3. The Questions and Answers
4. Possible Messages
5. Thanks
6. Legal Info


 * * * * * * 1. Introduction * * * * * *

Phantom Fighter is a game that is not very well-known, but is still,
in my opinion, a great game. I've decided to make a guide on the
questions the guard of the Training Hall asks you. Most questions
have one correct answer, but some questions are asked in which ALL
of the multiple choices are correct answers.

Here's how to use this guide, using a sample question NOT asked
in the game:

***QUESTION: What game does this guide cover?
    1. Super Mario Brothers (X)
    2. Phantom Fighter      (O)
    3. This game has no name(X)

(X) - Means an incorrect answer, in which the guard throws you out.
(O) - Means a correct answer, in which the guard lets you pass.


 * * * * * * 2. The Training Hall * * * * * *

After defeating the monsters, the sharp-nailed Chinese phantoms
which are known as "Kyonshies", in houses and buildings, you can get
one or more scrolls. You use these scrolls to learn skills in the
Training Hall, but you can't see the master for free, as his guard
explains to you. To prove you are worthy of the master's time and
attention, you must correctly answer a question with one of three
multiple choices. While many of the guard's questions pertain to
your foes the Kyonshies, some of the questions involve trivia.
If you get a question wrong, DON'T FRET! You can re-enter and try
again with another question.

The guard tells you, Kenchi: "You can't see the master for free.
Do you understand?"
If you answer no, he'll laugh at your cowardice and kick you out.
Answer yes, and it's quiz time!


 * * * * * * 3. The Questions and Answers * * * * * *

How many stars are there in the American flag?

   1. 50 (O)
   2. 28 (X)
   3. 5  (X)


What country do samurais come from?

   1. India (X)
   2. Japan (O)
   3. Spain (X)


What is the best method to make sure Kyonshies never revive again?

   1. Big Stakes   (X)
   2. Seal in Rock (X)
   3. Fry in Oil   (O)


What is the teaching taught by Confucius called?

   1. Psychiatry   (X)
   2. Confucianism (O)
   3. Physiognomy  (X)


Who built the Great Wall of China?

   1. The Emperor (O)
   2. Plasterer   (O)
   3. Farmer      (O)


What is Kyonshies' most powerful weapon?

   1. Sharp Claws (O)
   2. Sharp Eyes  (X)
   3. Swift Moves (X)


What is the horrible skill called when your head is banged against
your opponent's head?

   1. Head Strike  (O)
   2. Head batting (O)
   3. Head to Head (O)


What's the name of George Bush's dog? (This is George Bush Sr.!)

   1. Millie (O)
   2. Martha (X)
   3. Pooch  (X)


Who created Ultima?

   1. Lord British (O)
   2. Prince Chuck (X)
   3. Mr. Exodus   (X)


What is the best thing to use to capture Kyonshies?

   1. Coffin      (X)
   2. Urn         (O)
   3. Jewelry Box (X)


What is the famous Chinese Newspaper?

   1. School Paper (X)
   2. Wall Poster  (O)
   3. Daily China  (X)


What is the food Kyonshies hate?

   1. Liver     (X)
   2. Ice Cream (O)
   3. Frog Eyes (X)


Something is used to beat Kyonshies. What is it?

   1. Bird's Blood (O)
   2. Lizard Scale (X)
   3. Vulture Nail (X)


Why do Kyonshies only come out at night?

   1. Play late    (X)
   2. Shy          (X)
   3. Hate the Sun (O)


Which emperor is often called the Last Emperor?

   1. Sagi (X)
   2. Higi (X)
   3. Fugi (O)


What kind of place do Kyoshies usually live in?

   1. Wet place    (O)
   2. New Jersey   (O)
   3. Beverly Hill (O)


What is the skill called when you hold your opponent's arms from the
back and throw him backward?

   1. Dragon Suplex (O)
   2. Front Suplex  (X)
   3. Side Suplex   (X)


Name an FCI Video Game.

   1. Hydlide (O)
   2. WCW     (O)
   3. Ultima  (O)


What is a Chinese martial art usually called?

   1. Kung Fu      (O)
   2. Martial Art  (X)
   3. Phantom Kick (X)


What is another word for one?

   1. Uno  (O)
   2. Ichi (O)
   3. Un   (O)



 * * * * * * 4. Possible Messages * * * * * *


 - That's good. The master is waiting for you. Go and see him.

If you answer "New Jersey" or "Beverly Hill" to the question
about where Kyonshies usually live in:
 - That's right. Now as you know, that is the hangout of Kyonshi.
   Go and enter.

(I'm assuming the guard pities you so much that he just accepts it
as a correct answer. :P )


 - Why are you trying to pretend you don't know the answer?

 - You, Kenchi, not know a thing like this? Worth a laugh! Ha ha ha!
   Now, get out! Get out!

 - That was a pity. Train yourself and come again.

 - How little you know I'm stunned. Think it over and come back again.

 - Kenchi, you are really an idiot! Go home, try to learn more, and
   come back when you are wiser.

If you answer "5" as to how many stars are on the US flag:
 - Dunce!


 * * * * * * 5. Thanks * * * * * *

 - To my sister, Mom and Grandpa
 - To FCI and Pony Canyon for making this game
 - To YOU for taking the time to read this guide!

 * * * * * * 6. Legal Stuff * * * * * *

This guide is copyrighted (c) by PinKirby. You may copy SOME of this
guide, but you MUST give me, PinKirby, credit. If you want to put
this guide up on your website, email me and I will see about it. If I
find that this guide is on a website NOT listed below, then I will have
it removed.


Phatom Fighter is (c) 1989 by FCI and Pony Canyon.
The Nintendo Entertainment System and Nintendo of America
are registered trademarks of Nintendo. All rights reserved.

This Phantom Fighter Training Hall Quiz Guide is (c) by PinKirby
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